

Conversational Leadership



Conversation; Dialogue; Knowledge Cafe; Leadership

Conversational Leadership is a style of working where you understand the transformative power of conversation and take a conversational approach to the way that you connect, relate, learn and work with other people.
As a Conversational Leader you:
  1. Adopt conversational behaviours in your everyday work. In particular, connecting people and turning one way communication into two way conversations.
  2. Become a conversational catalyst and purposefully nurture and stimulate the natural conversations that take place in your organization.
  3. Encourage and help others to adopt the practices of conversational leadership.
  4. Practice conversational methods such as peer assists, after action reviews and knowledge cafés.
  5. Take on the role of conversational architect - identify the strategic conversations that need to take place in your organization; the questions to trigger them and design the processes to convene and host them.
  6. Build communityship. Communityship is the process of social influence in which everyone in an organization exercises leadership; works together to increase engagement and helps build a strong social fabric to achieve their common goals.
Conversational leaders act as champions and role models - they give the signal that conversations are good and valuable and not a waste of time.

If you would like to learn a little more about Conversational Leadership then take a look at this blog post Conversational Leadership at the Gurteen Knowledge Cafe or get in touch with me and I can let you have more information.

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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Saturday 15 February 2025
04:56 PM GMT