
Blog Post

Cafe Debate Feedback

Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 27 May 2016



Cafe Debate Feedback
WeblogGurteen Knowledge Log
Knowledge LetterAppears in the Gurteen Knowledge Letter issue: 191
Posted DateFriday 27 May 2016 10:43 GDT
Posted ByDavid Gurteen

I ran a Knowledge Café Debate at the KM Legal UK conference in London a few weeks back. The debate format is still a bit of an experiment and so I was delighted with the feedback. Carol and Claire my two debaters did a fantastic job!
Many thanks again for your participation in the recent KM Legal UK event.

Please find your speaker feedback below. Overall speaker average was 5.8. 12:15 – David Gurteen, Gurteen Knowledge Community
Carol Aldridge, Burges Salmon
Claire Stripp, Browne Jacobson

Presentation style - 6.4/7
Content - 6.1/7

  • Thought-provoking and stimulated good debate.
  • Great, very interactive.
  • This was fun – and a good opportunity to share and chat with others.
  • Very good; well-structured, good presentations, thought-provoking discussion.
  • Excellent presentation/debate style, dynamic. Topic to be discussed could be less determined (i.e. difficult to argue ‘against').
  • Loved this session, really effective.
  • Another of my favourite sessions, entertaining and genuinely got us talking amongst the room and meeting others.
  • Liked the interactivity of the format.
  • Really enjoyed this – a bit of fun and meant the audience mixed which was very useful from a networking point of view.
  • Very engaging style. Felt having two debaters with opposing views gave the right environment in which to contribute freely. Credit to the debaters too - they were excellent.
But this piece of feedback hit me the most - the debate format seems to help reduce social silencing.
David's Knowledge Café, rather than just bringing up a topic for discussion, began with a debate.

The two excellent debaters provided polar opposite views on the topic as a starting point for a larger discussion.

These views, I felt, established the environment for the larger discussion – encouraging honest and more provoking conversation than expected.

It effectively gave permission for us all to push the boundaries, and feel safe to do so.

Personally, I felt more confident to offer left-field views to the group than I would have done during a normal conference discussion.

Credit: Andrew Pope, Consulting Partner, Innosis
Andrew, wasn't the only one to comment on this. I am going to experiment more in light of this feedback.

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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