Achievement |  |
|  | Achieving Business Objectives by David Gurteen We should be talking about Achievement Management - not Knowledge Management |  |
After Action Review |  |
|  | Evangelising Knowledge Management by David Gurteen |  |
|  | Introduction to After Action Reviews by David Gurteen |  |
Awareness |  |
|  | Knowledge Management and Real Conversation by David Gurteen |  |
Change |  |
|  | A word of advice: stop selling the 100% solution to experts by Victor Newman The Global Knowledge Review - November 2004 |  |
Collaboration |  |
|  | Creating a Knowledge Sharing Culture by David Gurteen Article I wrote for Knowledge Management Magazine in 1999 |  |
Communities of Practice |  |
|  | Knowledge Café on 'The role of conversation in business' - Wed 16 Oct 2002 by Anna McAvoy  |  |
Competencies |  |
|  | Knowledge, Creativity and Innovation by David Gurteen A popular article of mine from the Journal of Knowledge Management in 1998 |  |
Conversation |  |
|  | Hosting grassroot conversations between knowledge activists by Ton Zijlstra  The Global Knowledge Review - January 2005 |  |
|  | How to Make a Decision Like a Tribe by Peter Carlin  An article from FastCompany about native American Indian decision making |  |
|  | In Conversation: Learn to Listen and to Tell the Truth by David Gurteen A short article on conversation |  |
|  | The Art of Powerful Conversations by David Isaacs, Juanita Brown, Eric E. Vogt  Catalyzing Insight, Innovation, and Action |  |
|  | The Gurteen Knowledge Café: A conversation with David Gurteen by Anna McAvoy  |  |
|  | Virtual Value - Conversation, ideas and the creative economy by Alex McKie  Interesting article on creative conversation |  |
Dialogue |  |
|  | The Discipline of Dialogue by David Gurteen |  |
E-Collaboration |  |
|  | An Etiquette for Computer-Based Communication by David Gurteen |  |
Education |  |
|  | Deschooling Society  Deschooling Society by Ivan Illich |  |
Groupware |  |
|  | New Ways of Working in the Networked Organization by David Gurteen |  |
Knowledge Management |  |
|  | Does KM = IT?  CIO Magazine Article |  |
|  | Impressions of the 2nd Gurteen Knowledge Conference 26 November 2003 by Shane Godbolt , Tim Dee  Knowledge is not something you keep in your head, it's a behaviour |  |
|  | KM and British Petroleum  Article: A Historic Example of the SAIC KM Approach |  |
|  | Knowledge Sharing within Management Consulting Firms by Byron Reimus  |  |
|  | Knowledge, Awareness and Understanding by David Gurteen |  |
|  | The Real Work of Knowledge Management by Margaret J. Wheatley |  |
Learning |  |
|  | Every Day Miracles, Leaning and the Human Condition by Jo Singel The Global Knowledge Review - September 2004 |  |
|  | Wearing our knowledge on our sleeves by Greg Timbrell  The Global Knowledge Review - October 2004 |  |
|  | Answers on the back of a postcard please ... by Chris Collison The Global Knowledge Review - March 2005 |  |
|  | Building Learning into Everyday Work by David Gurteen |  |
Lotus Notes/Domino |  |
|  | Lotus Notes Ultra Rapid Application Development by David Gurteen |  |
Mental Models |  |
|  | The Dangers of Media Violence Article by Karl Wigg |  |
Personal Knowledge Management |  |
|  | The Right Environment The Global Knowledge Review - May 2005 |  |
Project Management |  |
|  | Prototype Culture by Michael Schrage  Article in Marketing Computers magazine |  |