
Past Event

The Wheels of Knowledge Management

A one-day comprehensive working module to take you from Concept to Implementation from two of the world leaders


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Ark Group Australia

Event Link

http://www.arkgroupaustralia.com.au/events/the-whe ... 


07 - 09 Mar 2017




Melbourne and Canberra, Australia


Knowledge Management



Two of the Worlds Most Influential Knowledge Management Professionals for One Day in Melbourne and Canberra



The Wheels of Knowledge Management

A one-day comprehensive working module to take you from Concept to Implementation from two of the world leaders in knowledge management

Tuesday, 7 March 2017, Melbourne, Australia or Thursday, 9 March 2017, Canberra, Australia


Bill Kaplan, Founder and Principal Consultant,Working KnowledgeCSP

Zach Wahl, CEO, Enterprise Knowledge (EK)


Bill Kaplan, Founder and Principal Consultant,Working KnowledgeCSP

Bill has developed the Concept | Strategy | Practice (CSP) Model for developing a sustainable KM Strategy and Implementing Framework. In addition, he co-developed KMAgile, an agile based approach to rapidly develop a sustainable knowledge transfer capability for organizations who desire to invest significant resources up front while also developing and delivering a long term KM Strategy and Implementation Framework.


A recipient of the 2016 Knowledge Management Leadership Award, Bill was recognized as one of the world's 50 most influential Knowledge Management professionals at the 2016 Global Knowledge Management Congress and Awards in Mumbai, India.


Zach Wahl, CEO, Enterprise Knowledge (EK)

Zach was recognized as one of the world's 50 most influential Knowledge Management professionals at the 2016 Global Knowledge Management Congress and Awards. Zach has served on the board of the Washington DC Knowledge Management Institute and as the Chairman of the Institute for International Research (IIR) Enterprise Web, Portals, and Collaborative Technologies conference.


He also serves as faculty for the Knowledge Management Institute, providing training and consulting on taxonomy design and development. EK has been recognized by KMWorld as one of the 50 Companies that Matter in Knowledge Management

Video: David Gurteen on how to best secure continuous innovation

David Gurteen on how to best secure continuous innovation from iriss on Vimeo.

David Gurteen discusses how to best secure continuous innovation

David Gurteen on how to best secure continuous innovation.

The Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services (IRISS), Glasgow.

Media Information: Image

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If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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Tuesday 14 January 2025
12:32 PM GMT