
Past Event

Hillsborough – Information Work and Helping People


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Network for Information and Knowledge Exchange (NetIKX)

Event Link

http://www.netikx.org/content/hillsborough-informa ... 


Tue 21 Jul 2015


The British Dental Association, 64 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8YS


London, United Kingdom



Jan Parry, President of CILIP, will talk about her role in the Hillsborough Inquiry. Jan will explain how, after 23 years, records and information revealed the truth about the 1989 Hillsborough Disaster. She was the only Information Professional on the secretariat of the Hillsborough Independent Panel, whose report in 2012 revealed what was found in over 450,000 documents they reviewed.

Jan will describe the events and moments leading to the tragedy and its aftermath, including video footage, and will talk about the formation of the Panel and its work, together with the work of the information professionals involved in the background. The work has led to two new ongoing inquiries and a new inquest.

As usual at NetIKX meetings, the talk will be followed by group discussions on related topics.

Video: BLU Lesson 6: A little about my background by David Gurteen

One of six BLU lessons where I talk a little about my background.

In April 2005, BLU, the UK's Business Link University which no longer exists hired Fifty Lessons  to produce a series of video stories for them to which I (David Gurteen) was invited to contribute. This is one of those stories.

Media Information: Image

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If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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Monday 20 January 2025
10:44 PM GMT