

Internal Markets by William E. Halal, Ali Geranmayeh, John Pourdehnad

Bringing the Power of Free Enterprise Inside Your Organization (Nov 1993)



William E. Halal ; Ali Geranmayeh ; John Pourdehnad 



First Published

November 1993

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ISBN 0471593648 


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Internal Markets by William E. Halal, Ali Geranmayeh, John Pourdehnad This book demonstrates how to design an organization using a model to create the entrepreneurial company and provides an effective response to reshaping a business. It also describes how to break up the bureaucracy and make a company work more productively by bringing the logic of the market system and free enterprise into the organization. It includes case studies from MCI, Control Data, Esso and Alcoa illustrate successful management practice.

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  Internal Markets (Nov 1993) by William E. Halal , Ali Geranmayeh , John Pourdehnad 
Bringing the Power of Free Enterprise Inside Your Organization

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