

Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 40 - 7th October 2003


First Published

October 2003

The Gurteen Knowledge Letter is a monthly newsletter that is distributed to members of the Gurteen Knowledge Community. You may receive the Knowledge Letter by joining the community. Membership is totally free. You may read back-copies here.

**** The Gurteen Knowledge-Letter (Issue 40, 7 October 2003) ****

When I publish the next newsletter in early November I will have just
returned from KM Asia in Singapore and be preparing for KM Europe in
Amsterdam. If you can make one of these events it should prove well
worth attending. Take a look - large sections of both of them are free
including the exhibitions.

At KM Europe and KM Asia I will be running knowledge cafés and at KM
Asia I will also be presenting. So these are two great opportunities
to meet with me and other members of the community. I hope to see you

My Schedule:

KM Europe:

KM Asia:

*************************** Contents ***************************

1 - The Gurteen Knowledge Conference
2 - Knowledge Cafés
3 - A d v e r t i s e m e n t
4 - Lesson Cards
5 - Mistakes are opportunities
6 - TFPL
7 - Knowledge Capital by Jay L. Chatzkel
8 - CoPs and other Networked Organisations
9 - Download Center
10 - Meeting Places
11 - Knowledge Management 2010
12 - KM Europe Speaker Interviews
13 - Knowledge Cities and Regions
14 - Gurteen Knowledge-Calendar
15 - What's New?

*************** The Gurteen Knowledge Conference ***************

The "Second Gurteen Knowledge Conference - knowledge, communities and
networks" that will be held London on Wednesday 26th November.

If you haven't done so already - please take a look - I have some
great speakers/facilitators (see below) and it should prove a
rewarding day.

Mick Cope:

Victoria Ward:

Elizabeth Lank:

Adrian Hosford:

Second Gurteen Knowledge Conference:

************************ Knowledge Cafés ************************

I seem to be facilitating more and more of knowledge cafés these
days. So what's a knowledge café?:

"A knowledge café is a means for a group of people to have an open,
creative conversation on a topic of mutual interest to gain a deeper
collective understanding of the subject and the issues involved."

If the concept is of interest to you and you would like to learn more
then a great place to start is my website.

But I would also be happy to run a half-day or full-day workshop for
you within your organization that teaches you the basics by actually
facilitating one.

Give me a call if you are interested.

Knowledge Cafés:

=================== A d v e r t i s e m e n t ===================

The Online Information Conference is the world's no. 1 conference for
the information industry. Book by 4 November to benefit from a 10%


Select from keynote sessions led by international industry experts
such as Ian Angell, London School of Economics; Bob Boiko, author of
The Content Management Bible and collaboration expert Richard

In addition Tony Byrne, Peter Morville, Sue Henczel, Danny Sullivan,
Mary Ellen Bates, Chris Sherman, and Gary Price will be exploring
content management, searching, information architecture, communities
and collaboration, digital libraries, information integrity and

Discounts are also available for members of relevant associations.

************************* Lesson Cards *************************

I recently came across the website of the "Clinical Governance
Support Team" (CGST) that is part of the UK National Health Service
(NHS) Modernisation Agency.

What is clinical governance? It is "a framework through which NHS
organisations are accountable for continually improving the quality
of their services and safeguarding high standards of care by creating
an environment in which excellence in clinical care will flourish."

But the gem I found on this site was a collection of "Lesson Cards" -
a collection of 40 practical lessons that individuals can adopt for

Each of these 'lessons' consists of a short story, often with a link
to a fuller case study and summarized with a few one-line lessons.

They are all in the context of health care but each story and its
lessons can be adapted and applied to most businesses. Take a look -
I think you will be delighted.


The cards are the work of Michael Dunning who has created three
levels of information for the CGST website - lesson cards, Eureka's
and case studies - to support the sharing of lessons and experience
across the NHS.

****************** Mistakes are opportunities ******************

A "lesson card" from the "Clinical Governance Support Team" of the UK
National Health Service:

An ambulance service trust wanted to find a different way of handling
clinical incidents. Previously these resulted in disciplinary action
and most incidents went unreported. Following discussions, the Trust
Board approved a new debriefing process. Individuals are now talked
through the incident to find out how to prevent it recurring. An
experienced colleague gives support to the individual through the

An example: a paramedic inadvertently gave a double dose of analgesia
to a patient. During the debrief, it was discovered that the error
had occurred because there was similar packaging for different doses.
Work is now in hand to tackle this issue. Staff are now more
comfortable reporting incidents. The number of reported incidents has


+ Mistakes are opportunities for improvement rather than times for
+ Leadership, from the Trust Board, is essential if a no-blame
culture is to be introduced.
+ Remember, staff want to do a good job - help them learn from


***************************** TFPL *****************************

TFPL has been one of the first organizations to make good use of my
new facility to post events to my website - take a look at some of
their planned training events.

They also have an interesting little product - their "Knowledge and
Information Management Competency Dictionary" which provides
definitions of knowledge and information competencies that can be
incorporated into a corporate framework or used specifically for
knowledge and information roles.


Knowledge and Information Management Competency Dictionary:

Post an event on my website:

************* Knowledge Capital by Jay L. Chatzkel *************

This month's knowledge-raffle is for a copy of the book "Knowledge
Capital: How Knowledge-Based Enterprises Really Get Built " by Jay

The book is a structured set of conversations with thought leaders
and key practitioners in the fields of intellectual capital and
knowledge management, who examine-in the form of conversations-the
steps necessary for creating and implementing the various dimensions
of a knowledge-based enterprise.

I've yet to read it in full but there are some interesting
conversations in it - my favorite so far is the conversation with Don
Tyler and the role of shared values.


Knowledge Capital by Jay L. Chatzkel

************ CoPs and other Networked Organisations ************

Elizabeth Lank has reminded me that the European Knowledge Management
Forum is running monthly themes on dedicated topics. In October the
theme is "CoPs and other Networked Organizations".

During the month, they plan to address different topics such as
collaboration in inter-organizational networks, Concurrent
Enterprises and Virtual Organizations. See her for more information:


This may be of particular interest if you have not experienced
on-line learning yet. When you register with KnowledgeBoard they'll
provide you with details on the tool (Genesys).

On Oct. 27th Elizabeth is one of the presenters.


Elizabeth Lank:

************************ Download Center ************************

One of the increasingly popular pages on my website is my download
center. It contains a small collection of articles and one or two
software tools that you can download. The latest addition is a paper
from Bernard Marr and Danka Starovic on "Understanding Corporate
Value: managing & reporting intellectual capital".

Download Centre:

************************ Meeting Places ************************

I am always meeting with people, sometimes business meetings, other
times networking and of course socially but trying to agree a
mutually convenient meeting place can be difficult.

I have recently been holding meetings more frequently and have not
only needed to identify additional meeting places but have also grown
tired of repeatedly having to give directions. So I have put the
details on my website. This not only makes it easier for me and the
people I meet but should also prove useful for other people who are
looking for convenient meeting locations - mainly but not limited to
S.E. England

Take a look and if you have any suggestions for additional or better
places - then please drop me an e-mail.

Meeting Places:

******************* Knowledge Management 2010 *******************

By Jonathan Sage

In the August issue of this newsletter, we included a section on the
Knowledge Management study which we are conducting for the European
Commission (KM 2010 at
http://www.km2010.org). Many of you helped
review the strawman document relating to the current state of KM.

Again we would like to draw on the rich experience and knowledge
within the Gurteen community - and tempt you to participate. We are
looking for serious "volunteers" to contribute to the final phase of
the study by way of an online questionnaire.

What is in it for you? Your participation in the study will be
acknowledged in the final report and we will send you a copy of the
final report. We will also involve you in fine tuning of the report,
if you are interested.

Best regards
Jonathan Sage
KM Study Project Director
IBM Business Consulting Services Belgium

***************** KM Europe Speaker Interviews *****************

Interviews with the keynote speakers:

Prof Dorothy Leonard
Dave Snowden
Dr Carla Odell
Verna Allee
Fons Trompenaars

at KM Europe can be found at:


***************** Knowledge Cities and Regions *****************

A couple of interesting resources on knowledge cities/regions - first
see this item in my weblog on "Innovation in Networks" and Silicon


and second, Debra Amidon sent me an e-mail in response to my item
about knowledge Cities last month that contains some intersting links:

LOVED your focus on the Knowledge City.

We premiered the concept of
at the International Knowledge City of the Future in our Helsinki
Roundtable and then in Monterrey, Mexico, in June in a presentation
to the 7th International Conference on Technology Policy and

We are furthering the design at the upcoming Roundtable scheduled for
November 1-4:
http://www.knowledgesystems.org/e100mty 'Knowledge
Cities, Knowledge Regions and Knowledge World.'

The notions of technopoli were part of the original 1987 Roundtable
where E100 Sheridan Tatsuno, author of the Technopolis Strategy, was
part of our program. The agenda was nurtured through the efforts of
IC2, several of our publications and Dr. George Kozmetsky. The early
descriptions are even embedded in my first chapter of The Innovation
- the foundation for EN2Polis in the first place.

Now, with the architectural efforts with E100 Bryan Davis from the
Kaieteur Institute -
http://www.kikm.org/, we are constructing the
scaffolding as we speak.

So, thank you for this positioning as we are gathering several
examples from around the world. The time for this idea has finally

Debra Amidon:

****************** Gurteen Knowledge-Calendar ******************

Here is a list of some of the events on my site that are scheduled
over the next six months or so. You can see the full list on my
website by following the Gurteen-Knowledge Calendar link below.

World Knowledge Forum 2003
14 - 17 Oct 2003, Seoul, South Korea

Knowledge management foundation programme
15 Oct 2003, London, United Kingdom

Innovative Enterprise World Summit
19 - 22 Oct 2003, Boston, United States

Complex Knowledge and the Dynamics of Learning Masterclass
20 - 21 Oct 2003, London, United Kingdom

Advanced KM for the Oil, Gas and Power Sector Conference
20 - 22 Oct 2003, Singapore City, Singapore

Getting started with e-learning
21 Oct 2003, London, United Kingdom

Building and sustaining communities of practice
21 - 23 Oct 2003, London, United Kingdom

CIPD Annual Conference and Exhibition
22 - 24 Oct 2003, Harrogate, United Kingdom

The ActKM Forum 4th Annual Conference
27 - 28 Oct 2003, Canberra, Australia

Building an effective strategy for Email Management
29 Oct 2003, Sydney, Australia

Competia European Symposium 2003
05 - 07 Nov 2003, Paris, France

Strategic Competitive Intelligence
05 - 07 Nov 2003, Chicago, United States

European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL 2003)
05 - 06 Nov 2003, Glasgow, United Kingdom

Communities of Practice 2003, London
05 Nov 2003, London, United Kingdom

Information Architecture & Taxonomies
05 - 07 Nov 2003, Sydney, Australia

Techniques For Building a Better Intranet
05 Nov 2003, Canberra, Australia

12 - 14 Nov 2003, São Paulo, Brazil

Content Management for Intranet to Portal Migration
17 - 18 Nov 2003, London, United Kingdom

Organisational Storytelling and Narrative Patterns 2003
18 Nov 2003, Amsterdam, Netherlands

The World Open Learning Conference & Exhibition (wolce 2003)
18 - 19 Nov 2003, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Planning and building a taxonomy
19 - 20 Nov 2003, London, United Kingdom

The Second Gurteen Knowledge Conference
26 Nov 2003, London, United Kingdom

5th Asia Pacific Conference on Knowledge Management
27 - 28 Nov 2003, Hong Kong, China

Online Information 2003
02 - 04 Dec 2003, London, United Kingdom

The e.learning age Symposium
08 - 09 Dec 2003, London, United Kingdom

Voice of the Customer 2003
08 - 10 Dec 2003, Miami, United States

Advanced Intranet Communications
08 - 09 Dec 2003, London, United Kingdom

************************** What's New? **************************

The following pages have been added to my website within the last
month. It does not include quite all of them as the list is typically
quite long. You can follow the What's New link below to my website
for the full list.

What's New:

Category: Knowledge Café

Comment: people of the lie by jackie

Quotation: On effective weapons and laughter by Mark Twain

Quotation: On instincts and true wisdom by Oprah Winfrey

Quotation: On the curious child by John Holt

View: Meeting Places

Weblog Entry: Innovation in Networks

Weblog Entry: Knowledge Café at KM Conference, Oriel College Oxford

******* S u b s c r i b i n g & U n s u b s c r i b i n g *******

You may s u b s c r i b e to this newsletter, via the following link:


or you can e-mail your request to s u b s c r i b e or u n s u b s
c r i b e to
mailto:[email protected]

***************** The Gurteen Knowledge-Letter *****************

The Gurteen Knowledge-Letter is a free monthly e-mail based knowledge
management newsletter for Knowledge Workers. Its purpose is to help
you better manage your knowledge and to stimulate thought and
interest in such subjects as Knowledge Management, Learning,
Creativity and the effective use of Internet technology. It is
produced in association with the Knowledge Management Forum of Henley
Management College, Oxfordshire, England

You may copy, reprint or forward all or part of this newsletter to
friends, colleagues or customers, so long as any use is not for
resale or profit and the following copyright notice is included
intact: "Copyright 2003, David Gurteen, All rights reserved."

David Gurteen
Gurteen Associates
Fleet, United Kingdom

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community
The Gurteen Knowledge Community is a global learning community of over 21,000 people in 160 countries across the world.

The community is for people who are committed to making a difference: people who wish to share and learn from each other and who strive to see the world differently, think differently and act differently.

Membership of the Gurteen Knowledge Community is free.
Knowledge Community


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