
Gurteen Knowledge Workshop

Critical Skills for Knowledge Workers

A Gurteen Knowledge Workshop with David Gurteen




David Gurteen


Personal Development


United Kingdom, London

This workshop is over.

A one-day workshop presented by Gurteen Knowledge and Bizmedia

12th May 2004, Novotel London West, Hammersmith, London, UK

Gurteen Knowledge Conference, Managing Organizational Complexity, London, March 3rd 2004 Background
Disruptive technologies and worldwide competition are driving a global business transformation. The very nature of work for many people in hi-tech and knowledge-based organizations has already fundamentally changed.

Over the next 10 years this change will accelerate and extend to affect all of our working lives. From the CEO downward, we each need to develop our own understanding of this global business revolution and integrate it into our thinking and every day behavior.

We will not survive, if we are not both technically and business literate. Intranets and extranets will connect us within our own organizations and with our external partners and suppliers whilst the Internet will connect us to our external customers and clients.

The fundamental unit of the new economy will no longer be the corporation but the individual. For organizations to prosper - we, as individually electronically interconnected knowledge workers, need to learn how to better work together and how to harness our collective knowledge.

Who is the workshop designed for?
This workshop is designed for knowledge workers and their managers. In the knowledge-based organization - we are all knowledge workers and so this workshop is useful to anyone who is serious about transforming the way that they work; their ability to create and to innovate and improve the way that they manage and interact with other people in their organization.

What makes this workshop different is the recognition of the pivotal role of the individual in the knowledge economy and its focus on helping and supporting individuals to recognize and develop the knowledge-working competencies that they need to work effectively and creatively in their organizations.

Why should you attend this workshop?
In a fast changing world, to be creative and innovative we need to discover new ways of viewing the world and more appropriate ways of working together and doing business. Through our culture, educational and business lives, however, we have become conditioned to limit our perception and creativity.

This workshop enables you as a knowledge worker or a manager to become more reflective about the changes going on around you and thus more effective at your job. The workshop provides time out for you to examine your changing role in the new economy and equip you with concepts, tools, and techniques for coping with emerging workplace challenges. It exposes you to new thinking and helps you to better understand, interpret, adapt and respond to the challenges emerging from the growth and spread of the knowledge based economy. This workshop should help you in both your personal and professional lives.

The Facilitator
David Gurteen has over 30 years’ experience working in high technology industries and has worked as an independent consultant for the last decade. He is best described as a ‘knowledge networker’ who helps people in organizations, in all walks of life, to be more creative and innovative and to work more effectively with each other to make their collective knowledge productive.

Workshop Schedule

The schedule for the day is outlined below with links that provide further information on the individual modules and the resources on this website from which they draw.

Given the interactive nature of the day the scheduled timing is approximate.

08:30 - 09:15 Registration, coffee and networking
09:15 - 09:40 Begin with the End in Mind : the background and purpose of the day
09:40 - 10:10 Make your connections count : how to be an effective knowledge networker
10:10 - 10:55 Critical Skills for Knowledge Workers : the critical skills needed to be effective
10:55 - 11:15 Coffee and networking
11:15 - 12:00 Taking responsibility for knowledge management : how to ensure KM work for us all
12:00 - 12:45 Business is Conversation : how to use dialogue to improve the understanding of business issues
12:45 - 13:45 Lunch and networking
13:45 - 14:30 Dare to Share! : how to share our knowledge effectively
14:30 - 15:15 Learning Before, During and After : how to build learning into our everyday activities
15:15 - 15:35 Coffee and networking
15:35 - 16:10 Telling Stories how to use storytelling as an aid to knowledge transfer
16:10 - 16:55 Blogging : how to use weblogs & social network technology to be more creative
16:55 - 17:30 Summary and Close
17:30 Drinks in bar

What are Social Tools? - Sarah Prag

Mini-clip interview for Gurteen Knowledge with Sarah Prag. What are Social Tools? Shot at the Unicom Seminars Conference on Social Networking Tools In London, September 2006.

Media Information: Image

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership


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