
Blog Post

Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: June 2020

Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 25 June 2020



Gurteen Knowledge Tweets: June 2020
WeblogGurteen Knowledge Log
Knowledge LetterAppears in the Gurteen Knowledge Letter issue: 240
Posted DateThursday 25 June 2020 10:02 GDT
Posted ByDavid Gurteen
CategoriesSocial Networking

Here are some of my more popular recent tweets. Take a look, if you are not a Tweeter, you will get a good idea of how I use it by browsing the list of micro-posts.

  • What Actually is a Belief? And Why Is It So Hard to Change? https://buff.ly/2OOdNLL #ConversationalLeadership

  • “Science literacy is important, but without the parallel trait of "sciencecuriosity," it can lead us astray” https://buff.ly/2AMuhuJ #ConversationalLeadership

  • Sense-Making in our Post AlphaGo World | John Seely Brown https://buff.ly/3e4t98e #ConversationalLeadership #sensemaking

  • DILBERT: That's not how any of this works https://buff.ly/2Nil4RU #KM #KMers #KnowledgeManagement / unfortunately, he is right

  • There is more to viruses than you might think. There are 10 million times more viruses in the ocean than stars in the entire known universe. They are not all bad. They profoundly shape our lives and the living world around us. https://buff.ly/2yM95rO

  • AllSides exposes people to information and ideas from all sides of the political spectrum so they can better understand the world — and each other. https://buff.ly/3hkcAar /check it out #ConversationalLeadership

  • The War on Sensemaking I | Conversational Leadership https://buff.ly/2Nil4RU #ConversationalLeadership #sensemaking

If you like the Tweets then subscribe to my Tweet stream.

Video: Twitter in Plain English

Twitter in Plain English

Media Information: Image

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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