
Blog Post

Knowledge tweets: July 2011

Posted to Gurteen Knowledge-Log by David Gurteen on 26 July 2011



Knowledge tweets: July 2011
WeblogGurteen Knowledge Log
Knowledge LetterAppears in the Gurteen Knowledge Letter issue: 133
Posted DateTuesday 26 July 2011 19:00 GDT
Posted ByDavid Gurteen
CategoriesSocial Networking

Here are some of my more interesting Tweets for May - July 2011. Take a look, if you are not a Tweeter, you will get a good idea of how I use it by browsing the list of micro-posts. And if you like what you see then subscribe to my Tweets.
  • The Master of Fine Arts is the new MBA. http://read.bi/rmlVuv
    2011-07-24 16:06:09 UTC

  • I don't think of work as work and play as play . It's all living. Richard Branson http://bit.ly/2MucTo
    2011-07-22 12:43:05 UTC

  • RT @TheE20Trap: Yammer or SharePoint? The Deloitte Experience #KMAUS http://trap.it/cALrRg #e20 #socbiz
    2011-07-21 14:50:58 UTC

  • If You Want to Kill Innovation, Reward It! Alfie Kohn http://bit.ly/1f2aZr
    2011-07-20 20:26:02 UTC

  • Is our civilization is in its final century, and is there is nothing we can do to prevent its collapse? http://bit.ly/rdWwT5
    2011-07-20 13:06:50 UTC

  • The ubiquitous piece of software can leave one feeling grumpy and passive and in no frame of mind for proper work http://on.ft.com/nxxKbb
    2011-07-18 12:50:46 UTC

  • RT @RobinGood: A must-watch presentation: Ten Technology Trends That Will Change the World http://slidesha.re/oslyNr
    2011-07-17 12:27:17 UTC

  • RT @johnniemoore: @DavidGurteen thanks for excellent link on Wired/Khan Academy. I blogged a few thoughts here http://bit.ly/oh4tPO
    2011-07-17 11:08:55 UTC

  • How Google+ Works http://bit.ly/rfTLzt
    2011-07-17 11:06:04 UTC

  • Google+: The Complete Guide http://on.mash.to/o5tOQb
    2011-07-17 08:28:44 UTC

  • The Future of Knowledge Management http://bit.ly/p9kWhg video talk from David Griffiths
    2011-07-16 14:54:21 UTC

  • What is a Knowledge Cafe? - David Gurteen video - a Prezi from @karentoittoit http://bit.ly/oa4uFl #KCafe #KM
    2011-07-16 14:37:54 UTC

  • The Knowledge Café to address a PowerPoint aversion http://bit.ly/no1etl #KM #KCafe
    2011-07-16 14:35:50 UTC

  • TED talks on Social Change http://bit.ly/mQFlic #SocialGood
    2011-07-16 14:32:31 UTC

  • Cats Against Climate Change http://bit.ly/nLy1oG #SocialGood
    2011-07-16 13:37:04 UTC

  • Weeding out students who look great on paper but haven't developed people or communications skills http://bit.ly/rsvdsu /via @andrewarmour
    2011-07-13 09:53:42 UTC

  • RT @Yunus_Centre: Yunus: social business will impact the world http://bit.ly/r3M4w2 #Social Good
    2011-07-13 07:31:41 UTC

  • What the catalysts are for “good” conversations http://bit.ly/nviRxq #GoodToTalk
    2011-07-12 07:24:07 UTC

  • You can experience emotional states without knowing why, even if you believe you can pinpoint the source. http://bit.ly/mYd0YA
    2011-07-12 07:14:32 UTC

  • Why 'Social Business'? http://bit.ly/rmfPRh /in the Yunus sense of SB #SocialGood
    2011-07-11 16:23:33 UTC

  • Using Social Tools to Open Up Conversations within the Enterprise http://bit.ly/pz2Cpr #GoodTotalk
    2011-07-11 07:38:19 UTC

  • The transformative power of conversation http://bit.ly/nUAw5Z from @kdelarue #GoodToTalk
    2011-07-10 10:07:47 UTC

  • Brainstorming - it is possible to have lots of ideas and for everyone of them to be fatuous http://bit.ly/nteUrG from @andrewarmour
    2011-07-10 09:27:08 UTC

  • RT @1cheerfulman: @DavidGurteen Our family has been looking after a child in Kenya; anyone can sign up here http://bit.ly/nRmXzn
    2011-07-10 09:08:53 UTC

  • Knowledge Cafes are about "letting people think out aloud and be who they are in a safe setting" http://linkd.in/roVuxR #KM #KCafe
    2011-07-10 09:04:43 UTC

  • In Uganda, American Becomes Foster Mom To 13 Girls http://n.pr/jU91Uv /another @maggiedoyne - we need more :-) #SocialGood
    2011-07-10 08:36:36 UTC

  • What does it mean that the sea is dying? That it is being killed, by us. http://bit.ly/o2tzfB
    2011-07-09 09:29:15 UTC

  • What would worldwide Balkanization and tribalization mean for globalization? from @davepollard http://bit.ly/onx8zx #EndOfEmpire
    2011-07-09 08:41:12 UTC

  • The Ideas sausage machine, or the ideas conversation? http://bit.ly/p6bYuS #KM #GoodTotalk
    2011-07-08 06:54:35 UTC

  • On Cafe Conversations, Connections & Collaboration by @AndrewArmour http://bit.ly/rrZqJx #KM #KCafe
    2011-07-07 10:19:34 UTC

  • A Thousand Days to Reinvent Capitalism? http://bit.ly/ojh110 #ReinventCapitalism
    2011-07-06 20:34:17 UTC

  • A Liquid Café is a hybrid of World Café and Open Space http://bit.ly/j1HVKP #KCafe
    2011-07-05 12:25:20 UTC

  • Forrester's Five Stages of Social Media Maturity http://bit.ly/kzqUqL
    2011-07-05 09:10:46 UTC

Video: Twitter in Plain English

Twitter in Plain English

Media Information: Image

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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