

TrackBacks to the Gurteen Knowledge-Website



Painting: Plumage by Beth Macy
This page lists all the TrackBacks from this site to other sites.

Trackback is a simple mechanism that allows a 'back link' to be created from a page on another site to a page on your own website. Quite simply, if I create a link to another site then if trackback is enabled a message is automatically (or semi-automatically) sent to that other site (it is pinged) to tell it that I have created the link. In turn, the pinged site automatically creates a link back to my site.

In short, it allows you to effectively create a bi-directional link between two sites. Cool!

Yes you might not "get it" ummediately but read on and take a look at the implementation and at some point the "penny should drop".

This feature was originally developed for weblogs so that weblog postings that linked to other weblogs could automatically generate a return links and thus increase the distributed nature of weblogs and their utility as discussion forums.

Not only can you ping my site using the conventional TrackBack protocol, but if your site does not support TrackBack I have provided a link at the bottom of most of my wesbite pages that allows you to create a TrackBack link from my site to yours by filling in a simple form. Easy!

Not only can you see TrackBack links from my site to individual pages on other sites - they are listed at the end of each page of my site but this page lists ALL the TrackBack links for my whole site.

My apologies but there is a temporary problem displaying list information on some of the pages of this site. You may wish to return later.

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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The community is for people who are committed to making a difference: people who wish to share and learn from each other and who strive to see the world differently, think differently and act differently.

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Wednesday 12 February 2025
03:57 PM GMT