| 21st century management (Dec 2010) by Moria Levy  A personal blog
 | A Concise Guide to the Learning Organization (1998) by Mike Pedler , Kath Aspinwall  Managing Change and Learning is the No.1 Task - Wherever you Work
 | A Leaders Guide to Storytelling (Apr 2005) by Steve Denning Mastering the Art and Discipline of Business Narrative
 | A World Waiting to be Born by M. Scott Peck The Search for Civility
 | Action Learning (1995) by Krystynia Weinstein  A Practical Guide for Managers
 | Action Research (1988) by Jean McNiff  Principles and Practice
 | Adventures in Complexity (Jun 2009) by Lesley Kuhn  For Organisations Near the Edge of Chaos
 | An Intimate History of Humanity (Jan 1996) by Theodore Zeldin
 | Anne Frank by Anne Frank  The Diary of a Young Girl
 | Awaken the Giant Within (Sep 1992) by Anthony Robbins How to take control of your mental, emotional, physical and financial destiny
 | Awareness (1990) by Anthony de Mello
 | Beyond Knowledge Management (Jul 2004) by Elayne Coakes , Brian Lehaney , Steve Clarke , Gillian Jack 
 | Bhagvad Gita
 | Blink (Jan 2005) by Malcolm Gladwell  The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
 | Blogging (Sep 2002) by Biz Stone  Genius Strategies for Instant Web Content
 | Blown to Bits (1999) by Philip Evans , Thomas S. Wurster  How the New Economics of Information Transforms Strategy
 | Branding Yourself (Dec 2000) by Mary Spillane  How to look , sound and behave your way to success
 | Breaking Down the wall of Silence (1992) by Alice Miller To Join the Waiting Child
 | Brit-Think Ameri-Think (1986) by Jane Walmsley  An Irreverent Guide to Understanding the Great Cultural Ocean that Divides Us
 | Buddhism without Beliefs (1997) by Stephen Batchelor  A Contemporary Guide to Awakening
 | Building a Knowledge Driven Organization (Feb 2004) by Bob Buckman
 | Building Smarter Organizations (May 2017) by Gordon Vala-Webb  How to Lead Your Zombie Organization Back to Life
 | Business Dynamics (Feb 2000) by John D. Sterman  Systems Thinking and Modeling for a Complex World
 | Challenging the innovation paradigm (April 2012) edited by Karl-Erik Sveiby, Pernilla Gripenberg , Beata Segercrantz  The prevailing pro-innovation bias
 | Change Activist (Dec 2002) by Carmel McConnell  Make big things happen fast
 | Changing Consciousness by David Bohm
 | Changing Conversations in Organizations (2002) by Patricia Shaw  A Complexity Approach to Change (Complexity and Emergence in Organisations)
 | Changing Paradigms (1998) by Thomas Clarke , Stewart Clegg  The Transformation of Management Knowledge for the 21st Century
 | Civil Disobedience and Other Essays (1849) by Henry David Thoreau
 | Coaching (Sep 2005) by James Flaherty  Evoking Excellence in Others
 | Coaching that Counts (Jan 2005) by Dianna Anderson , Merrill Anderson  Harnessing the Power of Leadership Coaching to Deliver Strategic Value
 | Coaching to Solutions (Feb 2006) by Carole Pemberton  A Manager's Toolkit for Performance Delivery
 | Cognitive Surplus (Jun 2010) by Clay Shirky  Creativity and Generosity in a Connected Age
 | Collaborative Advantage (2005) by Elizabeth Lank How Organizations Win by Working Togther
 | Collaborative Knowledge Networks (May 2013) by Multiple contributors 
 | Competing in the Third Wave (1997) by Jeremy Hope , Tony Hope  The Ten Key Management Issues in the Information Age
 | Connections (1991) by Lee Sproull , Sara Kiesler  New Ways of Working in the Networked Organization
 | Conversation (1998) by Theodore Zeldin How Talk Can Change Your Life
 | Conversational Learning (Aug 2002) by Ann C. Baker , David A. Kolb , Patricia J. Jensen  An Experiential Approach to Knowledge Creation
 | Corporate Longitude (Mar 2002) by Leif Edvinsson Navigating the Knowledge Economy
 | Counterclockwise (May 2009) by Ellen J. Langer Mindful Health and the Power of Possibility
 | Creating the Discipline of Knowledge Management (Dec 2005) by Michael Stankosky  The Latest in University Research
 | Creating You & Co (Oct 1997) by William Bridges  Learn to Think Like the Ceo of Your Own Career
 | Creativity in Business (1989) by Michael Ray , Rochelle Myers 
 | Deep Smarts (Jan 2005) by Dorothy Leonard, Walter C. Swap  How to Cultivate and Transfer Enduring Business Wisdom
 | Designing Team-Based Organizations (Apr 1995) by Susan Albers Mohrman , Susan G. Cohen , Allan M. Mohrman  New Forms for Knowledge Work
 | Developing Knowledge-Based Client Relationships 2ed (Jun 2005) by Ross Dawson Leadership in Professional Services
 | Dialogic Organization Development (May 2015) edited by Gervase R. Bushe , Robert J. Marshak  The Theory and Practice of Transformational Change
 | Dialogue (1998) by Glenna Gerard, Linda Ellinor Rediscover the Transforming Power of Conversation
 | Dialogue and the Art of Thinking Together (1999) by William Isaacs A Pioneering Approach to Communicating in Business and in Life
 | Difficult Conversations (1999) by Douglas Stone , Bruce Patton , Sheila Heen  How to Discuss what Matters Most
 | Drive (Jan 2010) by Daniel Pink The surprising truth about what motivates us
 | E-Moderating (Apr 2000) by Gilly Salmon  The Key to Teaching and Learning OnLine
 | Eat that Frog! (Apr 2001) by Brian Tracy  Get more of the important things done - today!
 | Education for Judgement (1991) by David A. Garvin, Ann Sweet , C. Roland Christensen  The Artistry of Discussion Leadership
 | Effective Knowledge Work (Oct 2011) by Klaus North , Stefan Gueldenberg  Answers to the Management Challenges of the 21st Century
 | Emotional Intelligence (Jul 1997) by Daniel Goleman
 | Enabling Knowledge Creation (May 2000) by Georg Von Krogh , Kazuo Ichijo , Ikujiro Nonaka How to Unlock the Mystery of Tacit Knowledge and Release
the Power of Innovation
 | Engines of Creation (1986) by K. Eric Drexler The Coming Era of Nanotechnology
 | Enterprise Information Portals and Knowledge Management (Oct 2002) by Joseph M. Firestone 
 | Everything Is Miscellaneous (May 2007) by David Weinberger The Power of the New Digital Disorder
 | Extraordinary Minds (1997) by Howard Gardner  Portraits of Exceptional Individuals and an Examination of Extraordinariness
 | Fierce Conversations by Susan Scott  Achieving Success at Work & in Life, One Conversation at a Time
 | Finding Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi The Psychology of Engagement With Everyday Life
 | Float You (Jul 2001) by Mick Cope, Carmel McConnell  How to Capitalize on Your Talent
 | Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi The Psychology of Optimal Experience
 | Free Culture by Lawrence Lessig How Big Media Uses Technology and the Law to Lock Down Culture and Control Creativity
 | From Debate to Dialogue (1998) by Deborah L. Flick  Using the Understanding Process to Transform Our Conversations
 | From Know-How to Knowledge (Mar 2000) by Bryan Gladstone  The Essential Guide to Understanding and Implementiung Knowledge Management
 | From Knowledge to Intelligence (Sep 2004) by Helen Rothberg , G. Scott Erickson  Creating Competitive Advantage in the Next Economy
 | From Science to God (Nov 2000) by Peter Russell The Mystery of Consciousness and the Meaning of Light
 | Future Proofing (Feb 2002) by David Birchall, George Tovstiga
 | Gestión por Inteligencias (January 2016) by Cristiano Trindade De Angelis 
 | Get Unstuck & Get Going (2005) by Michael Bungay Stanier  On the stuff that really matters
 | Global Brain Awakens by Peter Russell, Marilyn Ferguson 
 | Global work (1994) by Mary O'Hara-Devereaux , Robert Johansen  Bridging Distance, Culture & Time
 | Hands on Knowledge co-creation and sharing by Muliple Authors  Practical methods and technique
 | Hare Brain Tortoise Mind (1997) by Guy Claxton  Why intelligence increases when you think less
 | Here Comes Everybody (Feb 2008) by Clay Shirky  How Change Happens when People Come Together
 | Hitotsubashi on Knowledge Management (Jan 2004) by Hirotaka Takeuchi , Ikujiro Nonaka
 | How Are We to Live? (May 1995) by Peter Singer  Ethics in an Age of Self-Interest
 | How Children Fail (1964) by John Holt
 | How Children Learn (1967) by John Holt
 | How the Way We Talk Can Change the Way We Work (2001) by Robert Kegan , Lisa Laskow Lahey  Seven Languages for Transformation
 | How to Win Friends and Influence People (1937) by Dale Carnegie 
 | Human Resource Champions (1997) by Dave Ulrich The Next Agenda for Adding Value and Delivering Results
 | I am Right you are Wrong by Edward De Bono From This to the New Renaissance: From Rock Logic to Water Logic
 | Influence without Authority (Aug 1991) by Allan R. Cohen , David L. Bradford 
 | Information Ecology (1997) by Larry Prusak, Thomas H. Davenport Mastering the Information and Knowledge Environment
 | Information First (Sep 2003) by Roger Evernden , Elaine Evernden  Integrating Knowledge and Information Architecture for Business Advantage
 | Information Masters (1999) by John McKean  Secrets of the Customer Race
 | Information Overload (1999) by David Lewis  Practical Strategies for Surviving in Today's Workplace
 | Innovation and Entrepreneurship (1985) by Peter F. Drucker Practice and Principles
 | Innovation Strategy for the Knowledge Economy (Apr 1997) by Debra M. Amidon The Ken Awakening
 | Installing and Managing Workable Knowledge Management Systems (Oct 2003) by Albert Rubenstein , Elie Geisler 
 | Intangible Management (Jun 2002) by Ken Standfield  Tools for Solving the Accounting and Management Crisis
 | Intellectual Capital (Oct 1998) by Thomas A. Stewart The New Wealth of Organizations
 | Intellectual Capital for Communities (Jan 2005) by Leif Edvinsson, Ahmed Bounfour  Nations, Regions, and Cities
 | Intellectual Capital in Organizations (December 2014) edited by Leif Edvinsson, Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos  Non-Financial Reports and Accounts
 | Internal Markets (Nov 1993) by William E. Halal , Ali Geranmayeh , John Pourdehnad  Bringing the Power of Free Enterprise Inside Your Organization
 | Introducing Management, 3Ed (May 2006) by Kate Williams  A Development Guide
 | Introduction to Knowledge Management (Jul 2003) by Todd R. Groff , Thomas P. Jones  KM in Business
 | It's not how good you are - it's how good you want to be. (2003) by Paul Arden 
 | Jamming by John Kao The Art and Discipline of Business Creativity
 | Jobshift (1995) by William Bridges  How to Prosper in a Workplace without Jobs
 | Key Issues in the New Knowledge Management (Jul 2003) by Joseph M. Firestone , Mark W. McElroy 
 | Know your value? (Dec 2000) by Mick Cope Manage your knowledge and make it pay
 | Knowing How to Know (1998) by Idries Shah  A Practical Philosophy in Sufi Tradition
 | Knowledge-Based Urban Development in the Middle East (March 2018) by Ali A. Alraouf 
 | Knowledge and Knowledge Systems (Oct 2007) by Eliezer Geisler  Learning from the Wonders of the Mind
 | Knowledge Asset Networking (Dec 2002) by Dimitris Apostolou , Ron Young, Gregoris Mentzas , Andreas Abecker  Beyond the Process-centred and Product-centred Approaches
 | Knowledge Based Working (Jun 2005) by Steve Ellis  Intelligent Operating for the Knowledge Age
 | Knowledge Capital (Oct 2003) by Jay L. Chatzkel  How Knowledge-Based Enterprises Really Get Built
 | Knowledge Cities (Jan 2006) by Francisco Carrillo  Approaches, Experiences, and Perspectives
 | Knowledge Driven Development (June 2018) by Manoj Kumar Lal  Bridging Waterfall and Agile Methodologies
 | Knowledge Horizons (2000) by Charles Despres , Daniele Chauvel  The Present and the Promise of Knowledge Management
 | Knowledge is Fun (April 2017) by G.S.Krishnan  10 Playful Cartoons of CKOs Paul and Mani
 | Knowledge Leadership (Jun 2005) by Steven A. Cavaleri , Sharon Seivert , Lee Lee  The Art and Science of the Knowledge-based Organization
 | Knowledge Management (Aug 2011) by Kevin C Desouza , Scott Paquette  An introduction
 | Knowledge Management (Oct 2001) by John Blackwell , Paul Gamble  A State of the Art Guide
 | Knowledge Management (Oct 2002) by Tom Knight , Trevor Howes  A blueprint for delivery
 | Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice (Jul 2005) by Kimiz Dalkir 
 | Knowledge Management Initiatives in Singapore (June 2003) by Margaret Tan , Madanmohan Rao 
 | Knowledge Management Practice in Organizations (January 2014) by Ulla de Stricker , Cynthia Shamel , Connie Crosby , Gordon Vala-Webb , Deborah Keller , Karen Huffman , Constance Ard  The View from Inside
 | Knowledge Management Systems Implementation (Aug 2008) by Hind Benbya  Lessons from the Silicon Valley
 | Knowledge Management Tools and Techniques (Jan 2005) by Madanmohan Rao  Practitioners and Experts Evaluate KM Solutions
 | Knowledge Management: Social, Cultural and Theoretical Perspectives (Jan 2007) edited by Ruth Rikowski 
 | Knowledge Mnagement (May 2005) by Meliha Handzic , Albert Z. Zhou  An Integrative Approach
 | Knowledge Networking (1999) by David J. Skyrme  Creating the Collaborative Enterprise
 | Knowledge Works (Jun 2011) by Christine Van Winkelen , Jane McKenzie  The Handbook of Practical Ways to Identify and Solve Common Organizational Problems for Better Performance
 | Lead Yourself (Sep 2002) by Mick Cope Be Where Others Will Follow
 | Leadership Conversations (February 2013) by Alan S. Berson , Richard G. Stieglitz  Challenging High Potential Managers to Become Great Leaders
 | Leading Issues in Innovation Research (Sep 2011) edited by Danièle Chauvel 
 | Leading Issues in Social Knowledge Management (Apr 2012) edited by David Gurteen
 | Leading the Revolution (2000) by Gary Hamel
 | Leaning into the Future (Sep 1997) by George Binney , Colin Williams  Changing the Way People Change Organizations
 | Learning in Action (Apr 2000) by David A. Garvin A Guide to Putting the Learning Organization to Work
 | Learning to Fly (2001) (Jan 2001) by Chris Collison, Geoff Parcell Practical Lessons from one of the World's Leading Knowledge Companies
 | Learning to Fly (2004) (Oct 2004) by Chris Collison, Geoff Parcell Practical knowledge management from leading and learning organisations
 | Learning to Listen, Learning to Teach by Jane Kathryn Vella  The Power of Dialogue in Educating Adults
 | Let the People Think (1961) by Bertrand Russell
 | Leveraging Communities of Practice for Strategic Advantage (Oct 2002) by Hubert Saint-Onge, Debra Wallace 
 | Liberty's Poet (Jan 2005) by H.S. Moore  Emma Lazarus
 | Life-Changing Conversations (Mar 2012) by Sarah Rozenthuler  7 strategies for talking about what matters most
 | Life 101 (1991) by John-Roger , Peter McWilliams  Everything We Wish We Had Learned About Life In School - But Didn't
 | Linchpin (Jan 2010) by Seth Godin Are You Indispensable?
 | Listening (1995) by Madelyn Burley-Allen  The Forgotten Skill
 | Listening to the Volcano (Mar 2005) by David Hutchens  Conversations That Open Our Minds to New Possibilities
 | Living Networks (Oct 2002) by Ross Dawson Leading Your Company, Customers, and Partners in the Hyper-Connected Economy
 | Make Success Measurable! (1999) by Douglas K. Smith  A Mindbook-Workbook for Setting Goals and Taking Action
 | Making Innovations Happen (July 2015) by Ravi Arora  Fostering innovations by inducing foresight
 | Making it Real: Sustaining Knowledge Management (Apr 2013) by Annie Green  Adapting for Success in the Knowledge Based Economy
 | Making Sense of Intellectual Capital (Jan 2004) by Daniel Andriessen  Designing a Method for the Valuation of Intangibles
 | Man's Search for Meaning (1946) by Viktor E. Frankl
 | Management Challenges for the 21st Century (1982) by Peter F. Drucker Tasks, Responsibilites, Practices
 | Managing in Turbulent Times (1980) by Peter F. Drucker
 | Managing Intellectual Capital in Practice (Mar 2006) by Göran Roos, Stephen Pike , Lisa Fernstrom 
 | Managing Knowledge by Gilbert Probst , Steffen Raub , Kai Romhardt 
 | Managing Knowledge Work by Sue Newell , Maxine Robertson , Harry Scarbrough , Jacky Swan 
 | Managing Knowledge Workers (1999) by Frances Horibe  New Skills and Attitudes to Unlock the Intellectual Capital in Your Organization
 | Managing without Power (2001) by R. Meredith Belbin
 | Maximum Achievement (1993) by Brian Tracy  Strategies and Skills That Will Unlock Your Hidden Powers to Succeed
 | Measuring the ROI of Knowledge Management (Mar 2013) by Stephanie Barnes , Tim Hawley , James Gunn , Nick Milton, Catherine Boissonnet , Madanmohan Rao , Chris Boyd , Jack Bostelman 
 | Mobilising the Power of What You Know (Oct 1998) by Paul Miller  A Practical Guide to Successful Knowledge Management
 | Mythology Lessons for Managers (December 2015) by G.S.Krishnan  100 Inspiring Stories of Corporate Functions
 | Navigating the minefield (April 2017) by Patricia Lee Eng , Paul J. Corney  A Practical KM Companion
 | Net Work (Apr 2007) by Patti Anklam A Practical Guide to Creating and Sustaining Networks at Work and in the World
 | New Rules for the New Economy (May 1999) by Kevin Kelly 10 Ways the Network Economy is Changing Everything
 | No More Consultants (Sep 2009) by Chris Collison, Geoff Parcell We know more than we think
 | On Dialogue (Oct 1996) by David Bohm
 | On Dialogue - An Essay in Free Thought (1996) by Robert Grudin
 | Only the Paranoid Survive (1996) by Andrew S. Grove  How to Exploit the Crisis Points That Challenge Every Company
 | Opportunities (1978) by Edward De Bono A Handbook of Business Opportunity Search
 | Organization Design (Nov 2004) by Naomi Stanford  The Collaborative Approach
 | Organizational Knowledge Dynamics: Managing Knowledge Creation, Acquisition, Sharing, and Transformation. (April 2015) by Constantin Bratianu 
 | Organizational Survival in the New World by Alex Bennet , David Bennet  The Intelligent Complex Adaptive System
 | Organizations Don't Tweet, People Do (Feb 2012) by Euan Semple A manager's guide to the social web
 | Out of Control (1994) by Kevin Kelly The New Biology of Machines
 | Out of the Crisis (1982) by W. Edwards Deming
 | Outliers (Nov 2008) by Malcolm Gladwell  The Story of Success
 | People-Focused Knowledge Management (Jul 2004) by Karl Wiig How Effective Decision Making Leads to Corporate Success
 | People of the Lie by M. Scott Peck The Hope for Healing Human Evil
 | People Power (1991) by Donna Fisher  12 Power Principles to Enrich your Business, Career and Personal Networks
 | Peopleware by Tom Demarco , Timothy Lister  Productive Projects and Teams
 | Performance Through Learning (Apr 2004) by Carol Gorelick, Kurt April , Nick Milton Knowledge Management in Practice
 | Personal Knowledge (1958) by Michael Polanyi Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy
 | Personal Knowledge Capital (Jul 2012) by Janette Young  The inner and outer path of knowledge creation in a web world
 | Personal Networking (Dec 2002) by Mick Cope How to Make Your Connections Count
 | Perspectives on Intellectual Capital (Feb 2005) by Bernard Marr  Multidisciplinary Insights Into Management, Measurement, and Reporting
 | Portfolio People (1997) by Max Comfort  How to Create a Workstyle as Individual as You Are
 | Post Capitalist Society (1993) by Peter F. Drucker
 | Power Networking (Nov 2000) by Donna Fisher , Sandy Vilas  59 Secrets for Personal & Professional Success
 | Power Thyself (Jun 2004) by R. Venkataraman  Strive for Excellence and a Better Future
 | Principle-Centered Leadership (Oct 1992) by Stephen Covey
 | Proactive Reviews (Jan 2012) by Ditte Kolbæk  How to make your organisation learn from experience
 | Process Innovation (1992) by Thomas H. Davenport Reengineering Work through Information Technology
 | Profound Simplicity (1979) by Will Schutz 
 | Punished by Rewards (Sep 1999) by Alfie Kohn The Trouble with Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, A's, Praise, and Other Bribes
 | Putting Stories to Work (March 2016) by Shawn Callahan  Mastering Business Storytelling
 | Re-imagine! (Oct 2003) by Tom Peters
 | Results-Based Leadership (1999) by Dave Ulrich
 | Science Order & Creativity by David Bohm, F. David Peat
 | Selling the Dream (1991) by Guy Kawasaki  How to Promote Your Product, Company, or Ideas - and Make a Difference Using Everyday Evangelism
 | Serious Play (2000) by Michael Schrage How the World's Best Companies Simulate To Innovate
 | Shared Minds by Michael Schrage
 | Sharing Hidden Know-How (2011) by Katrina Pugh  How Managers Solve Thorny Problems With the Knowledge Jam
 | Six Thinking Hats (1985) by Edward De Bono
 | Slack by Tom Demarco  Getting Past Burnout, Busywork, and the Myth of Total Efficiency
 | Small Pieces Loosely Joined (Mar 2002) by David Weinberger A Unified Theory of the Web
 | Smart KM Model (August 2014) by Allam Ahmed , Mohamed Elhag  An Integrated Knowledge Management Framework for Organizational Excellence
 | SOAR! with Resilience (August 2012) by Eileen Lichtenstein  The Interactive Book for Overcoming Obstacles & Achieving Success
 | Soloing (1999) by Harriet Rubin  Reaching Life's Everest
 | Squirrel Inc (2004) by Steve Denning A Fable Of Leadership Through Storytelling
 | Stealth KM (Mar 2006) by Niall Sinclair  Winning Knowledge Management Strategies for the Public Sector
 | Steps to an Ecology of Mind by Gregory Bateson 
 | Storytelling in Organizations (Jan 2005) by John Seely Brown, Katalina Groh , Larry Prusak, Steve Denning Why Storytelling Is Transforming 21st Century Organizations and Management
 | Systemantics (1986) by John Gall  The Underground Text of Systems Lore - How Systems Really Work and How they Fail
 | The 80/20 Principle by Richard Koch  The Secret to Success by Achieving More with Less
 | The 8th Habit (Nov 2004) by Stephen Covey From Effectiveness to Greatness
 | The Age of the Smart Machine (Sep 1989) by Shoshana Zuboff The Future of Work and Power
 | The Alternative Gospel (May 1998) by John Baldock  The Hidden Teaching of Jesus
 | The Art of Conversation (Dec 2008) by Catherine Blyth 
 | The Art of Listening by Erich Fromm
 | The Art of Loving by Erich Fromm
 | The Black Swan (Apr 2007) by Nassim Nicholas Taleb  The Impact of the Highly Improbable
 | The Blank Slate (Sep 2002) by Steven Pinker  The Modern Denial of Human Nature
 | The Brand You 50 (1999) by Tom Peters Fifty ways to Transform Yourself from an "Employee" into a Brand that Shouts Distinction, Commitment, and Passion!
 | The Checklist Manifesto (Dec 2009) by Atul Gawande  How to Get Things Right
 | The Circle of Innovation (1997) by Tom Peters You Can't Shrink your Way to Greatness
 | The ClueTrain Manifesto (2000) by Christopher Locke, Rick Levine , Doc Searls , David Weinberger The End of Business as Usual
 | The Complete Guide to Knowledge Management: (Feb 2011) by Edna Pasher , Tuvya Ronen  A Strategic Plan to Leverage Your Company's Intellectual Capital
 | The Conductive Organization (May 2004) by Hubert Saint-Onge, Charles Armstrong  Building Beyond Sustainability
 | The Consolations of Philosophy (Mar 2000) by Alain de Botton 
 | The Continuum Concept by Jean Liedloff In Search of Happiness Lost
 | The De-Voicing of Society by John L. Locke  Why We Don't Talk to Each Other Anymore
 | The De Bono Code Book (Aug 2000) by Edward De Bono
 | The Different Drum by M. Scott Peck Community Making and Peace
 | The Digital Renaissance of Work (October 2014) by Paul Miller , Elizabeth Marsh  Delivering digital workplaces fit for the future
 | The Drama of Being a Child (1987) by Alice Miller And the Search for the True Self
 | The Effective Manager (Feb 2009) by Sarah Cook 
 | The Element by Ken Robinson  How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything
 | The Fifth Discipline by Peter Senge
 | The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook by Peter Senge, Richard Ross , Bryan Smith , Charlotte Roberts , Art Kleiner  Strategies and Tools for Building a Learning Organization
 | The Future of Ideas by Lawrence Lessig The Fate of the Commons in a Connected World
 | The Future of Knowledge (Oct 2002) by Verna Allee Increasing Prosperity through Value Networks
 | The Future of Management (Sep 2007) by Gary Hamel
 | The Future of Work by Thomas W. Malone  How the New Order of Business Will Shape Your Organization, Your Management Style and Your Life
 | The Grace of Great Things (1990) by Robert Grudin Creativity and Innovation
 | The Human Value of the Enterprise (Oct 2001) by Andrew Mayo Valuing People as Assets--Monitoring, Measuring, Managing
 | The Hungry Spirit (Feb 1999) by Charles Handy Beyond Capitalism : A Quest for Purpose in the Modern World
 | The Individualized Corporation (Oct 1997) by Sumantra Ghoshal , Christopher A. Bartlett  A Fundamentally New Approach to Management
 | The Innovation SuperHighway (Nov 2002) by Debra M. Amidon Harnessing Intellectual Capital for Collaborative Advantage
 | The Intelligent Company (Nov 2010) by Bernard Marr  Five Steps to Success with Evidence-Based Management
 | The Knowledge-Creating Company (1995) by Ikujiro Nonaka, Hirotaka Takeuchi  How Japanese Companies Create the Dynamics of Innovation
 | The Long Boom (1999) by Joel Hyatt , Peter Leyden , Peter Schwartz  The coming age of prosperity
 | The Magic of Dialogue (1999) by Daniel Yankelovich  Transforming Conflict into Cooperation
 | The Necessary Revolution (Jun 2008) by Peter Senge How Individuals And Organizations Are Working Together to Create a Sustainable World
 | The New Edge in Knowledge (Mar 2011) by Carla O'Dell , Cindy Hubert  How Knowledge Management is Changing the Way We Do Business
 | The Power of Mindful Learning (1997) by Ellen J. Langer
 | The Power of Positive Deviance (June 2010) by Jerry Sternin , Monique Sternin , Richard Pascale  How Unlikely Innovators Solve the World's Toughest Problems
 | The Professional Service Firm 50 (1999) by Tom Peters Fifty Ways to Transform your "Department" into a Professional Service Firm whose Trademarks are Passion and Innovation!
 | The Project 50 (1999) by Tom Peters Fifty Ways to Transform every "Task" into a Project that Matters!
 | The Prophet (1923) by Kahlil Gibran
 | The Rise of the Creative Class by Richard Florida  And How It's Transforming Work, Leisure, Community and Everyday Life
 | The Road Less Travelled by M. Scott Peck A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth
 | The Selfish Gene (1976) by Richard Dawkins
 | The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (1989) by Stephen Covey Restoring the Character Ethic
 | The Sovereign Individual (1997) by James Dale Davidson , William Rees-Mogg  The Coming Economic Revolution - How to Survive and Prosper in it
 | The Springboard (Oct 2000) by Steve Denning How Storytelling Ignites Action in Knowledge-Era Organizations
 | The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962) by Thomas S. Kuhn
 | The Support Economy (Oct 2002) by Shoshana Zuboff, James Maxmin  Why corporations are failing individuals and the next episode of capitalism
 | The Tao of Physics (1976) by Fritjof Capra  An exploration of the parallels between modern physics and eastern mysticism
 | The Thoughtstorm Manual (Jun 1999) by Harry Palmer  An Evolution In Human Thinking
 | The Tipping Point (Jan 2002) by Malcolm Gladwell  How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference
 | The TM Technique by Peter Russell
 | The Tom Peters Seminar by Tom Peters
 | The Unfinished Revolution (Jan 2001) by Michael L. Dertouzos  Human-Centered Computers and What They Can Do for Us
 | The Way to Love by Anthony de Mello The Last Meditations of Anthony de Mello
 | The Wealth and Poverty of Nations (1998) by David Landes  Why Some are so Rich and Some are so Poor
 | The Will to Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl Foundations and Applications of Logotherapy
 | The Wisdom of Crowds (May 2004) by James Surowiecki  Why the Many Are Smarter Than the Few and How Collective Wisdom Shapes Business, Economies, Societies and Nations
 | The Wisdom of Insecurity (1951) by Alan W. Watts  A Message for an Age of Anxiety
 | The Wisdom of Passion (2003) by Peter Wallman , Rachel Flower 
 | The Wise Fool's Guide to Leadership (Jun 2005) by Peter Hawkins  Short spiritual stories for organisational and personal transformation
 | The World Café (Apr 2005) by Juanita Brown, David Isaacs, Margaret J. Wheatley Shaping Our Futures Through Conversations That Matter
 | The World Is Flat (2005) by Thomas L. Friedman  A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
 | Think like an Innovator (October 2016) by Paul Sloane 
 | Thinking for a Living (Sep 2005) by Thomas H. Davenport How to get better performances and work from knowledge workers
 | Thought Contagion by Aaron Lynch  How Belief Spreads through Society. The New Science of Memes
 | Three Billion New Capitalists (May 2005) by Clyde Prestowitz  The Great Shift of Wealth and Power to the East
 | Time to Think (1998) by Nancy Kline  Listening to ignite the human mind
 | Transforming e-Knowledge (2003) by Donald Norris , Jon Mason , Paul Lefrere  A Revolution in the Sharing of Knowledge
 | Treading Lightly (Jun 2006) by Karl-Erik Sveiby, Tex Scuthorpe  The hidden wisdom of the world’s oldest people
 | Tribes (Oct 2008) by Seth Godin We Need You to Lead Us
 | Turning to One Another (Jan 2002) by Margaret J. Wheatley Simple Conversations to Restore Hope to the Future
 | Unconditional Parenting (Mar 2005) by Alfie Kohn Moving from Rewards and Punishment to Love and Reason
 | Understanding Computers and Cognition by Terry Winograd , Fernando Flores  A New Foundation for Design
 | Upside Down Management (Aug 1995) by John Lorriman, Ron Young, Paul Kalinaukas  Revolutionizing management and development to maximise business success
 | Utilizing Evidence-Based Lessons Learned for Enhanced Organizational Innovation and Change (September 2014) by Susan McIntyre , Kimiz Dalkir , Perry Paul Irene C. Kitimbo 
 | Value Networks and the True Nature of Collaboration (Feb 2011) by Verna Allee, Oliver Schwab 
 | Virginia Satir (1991) by Steve Andreas  The Patterns of Her Magic
 | Voltaire's Bastards (Nov 1993) by John Ralston Saul  The Dictatorship of Reason in the West
 | Waiting for the Mountain to Move (1995) by Charles Handy And Other Reflections on Life
 | Walden (1854) by Henry David Thoreau Life in the Woods
 | We've Got Blog (Jul 2002) by Rebecca Blood  How Weblogs Are Changing Our Culture
 | What Would Google Do? (Jan 2009) by Jeff Jarvis 
 | Why Am I Afraid to Tell You Who I Am? (Dec 1995) by John Powell 
 | Why Men Don't Listen & Women Can't Read Maps (2001) by Allan Pease , Barbara Pease  How we're different and what to fo about it
 | Wikinomics (Dec 2006) by Don Tapscott , Anthony D. Williams  How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything
 | Wikipatterns (Dec 2007) by Stewart Mader  A practical guide to improving productivity and collaboration in your organization
 | Willing International Success (Apr 2003) by Gary Yardley , Sally Rundle 
 | Winning the Knowledge Game (May 2003) by Alastair Rylatt  Smarter learning for business excellence
 | Winning the Knowledge Transfer Race (Oct 2005) by Michael J. English , William H. Baker  Using your Comaopny's Knowledge Assets to Gain Competitive Advantage
 | Working Knowledge (1998) by Thomas H. Davenport, Larry Prusak How Organizations Manage What They Know
 | Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (1984) by Robert M. Pirsig An Inquiry into Values
 | ?What If! (1999) by Dave Allan , Matt Kingdon , Kris Murrin , Daz Rudkin  How to Start a Creative Revoltion at Work