
Knowledge Cafe Story

No one has ever asked me what I thought



Louise van Rhyn 


Knowledge Cafe


South Africa, Cape Town

The intention with the Values workshop (a Café run as a World Café process) was to initiate a very different story about the way things are at a retailer we were working with. We could not have asked for a more successful outcome.

One of the women who had been working as a secretary walked up to Melanie afterwards to say “I have been in this organization for 28 years and no one has ever asked me what I thought. I can not thank you enough for this opportunity”.

When Melanie told me the story I was reminded of all the times when people came to me after similar workshops with a very similar story: “I have been in this organization for so many years and I have never been invited to be part of the conversation. Thank you SO much for making it possible for me to be part of this conversation”

Louise van Rhyn, Symphonia, Cape Town, South Africa

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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Saturday 15 February 2025
08:38 PM GMT