

China Knowledge Management Center


CategoriesKnowledge Management

China Knowledge Management Center claims to be "The Most Thriving Cyber Community of KM in China!" This is what they say about themselves:

We're committed to the progress and development of KM in Chinese Community. We research and practice in areas including Knowledge Management, Competitive Intelligence, Content Management, Business Intelligence, Learning Organization, and Digital Library etc. We provide related news report, meeting news, article collections, individual's columns, case analysis, and application solutions. We offer Blog and Message Board so you can publish the results of your academic research and your experiences at any time.

Knowledge Management Center is a repository for KM theories, implementation solutions, and cases. And it's a salon, where we Chinese keep exchanging, sharing and innovating what we know about KM. It's also a platform for providers to show their KM products and services. Our community features a Blog service: http://blog.kmcenter.org 

You can get customized Blog and demonstrate your achievements in KM. We've got a huge number of visitors and all of them are well educated. We've always been trying to make all the discussions effective and efficient.

Currently, we've got over 50 000 registered users. They're from diversified management positions of Chinese Community, say, from China Mainland, Hong Kong, and Taiwan province.

This is a Chinese language site. As I can only speak a word or two of Chinese and certainly cannot read it - I have no idea what the site is really like but if are Chinese - take a look and figure it out for yourself 's comments: -)

Video: Explaining Knowledge Management #2

Dr David Vaine, Senior Partner with Apparently KM, PLC, proposes some practical techniques to address the problem of knowledge sharing in organisations :-) (7 mins)

David Gurteen's comments: A very funny video from Patrick Lambe getting the KM message across! You will find more videos from Patrick on YouTube

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If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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Friday 14 February 2025
11:35 AM GMT