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Measuring Knowledge Management through the use of Indicators

Posted to Gurteen News Log by David Gurteen on 12 February 2013



Measuring Knowledge Management through the use of Indicators
WeblogNews Log
Posted DateTuesday 12 February 2013 15:21 GMT
Posted ByDavid Gurteen
CategoriesKnowledge Management

Invitation to participate in survey on the use of indicators to measure Knowledge Management

Following successful funding from the KM4Dev innovation fund, researchers from Loughborough
University and the Insitute for Development Studies are engaged in a project to investigate ways of measuring Knowledge Management and Knowledge Brokering activities.

We would like to invite participants to take part in this 5-10 minute survey: https://www.survey.lboro.ac.uk/k4devindicators

This will feed into a project and workshop which seeks to build an overview of how
KM and KB activities are beingmeasured and what indicators are in use.

We would be very grateful for your input in completing the survey and your help in sharing / tweeting (#K4DevIndicators)/ blogging on, and otherwise disseminating this survey within your knowledge networks

Walter Mansfield and Philipp Grunewald (Loughborough University, UK)
Yaso Kunaratnam and Louise McGrath (The Institute for Development Studies, UK)

Background information

This survey has been produced for a KM4Dev Innovation Fund project (see http://bit.ly/126Ur0O) and as part of a larger collaborative project between researchers from Loughborough University and the Institute of Development Studies (IDS),funded by DFID as part of the Mobilising Knowledge for Development programme.

The survey will be used to assist in the development of a workshop on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Brokering indicators to be held on the 8th March at IDS, UK.

The results and findings of the survey and workshop will be reported back to the KM4Dev forum and the Knowledge Brokers Forum (KBF).

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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