

Knowledge Management Practice in Organizations by Ulla de Stricker, Cynthia Shamel, Connie Crosby, Gordon Vala-Webb, Deborah Keller, Karen Huffman, Constance Ard

The View from Inside (Jan 2014)



Ulla de Stricker ; Cynthia Shamel ; Connie Crosby ; Gordon Vala-Webb ; Deborah Keller ; Karen Huffman ; Constance Ard 


IGI Global



First Published

January 2014

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ISBN 1466651865 

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Intellectual Capital; Knowledge Management

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Knowledge Management Practice in Organizations by Ulla de Stricker, Cynthia Shamel, Connie Crosby, Gordon Vala-Webb, Deborah Keller, Karen Huffman, Constance Ard KM practitioners discuss the realities of knowledge management work in organizations. Bringing to bear a combined 150 years of experience, they offer insights to guide anyone working with real-life aspects of KM. The book is equally relevant for seasoned professionals and for those entering the field. Topics include organizational culture, knowledge audits, communities and social media, smart organizations, the learning organization, tools for conversation, and working with consultants. Find out more at http://www.igi-global.com/book/knowledge-management-practice-organizations/90644

Video: Wikis in Plain English

A short explanation of wikis and how they can be used to coordinate a group.

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  Knowledge Management Practice in Organizations (January 2014) by Ulla de Stricker , Cynthia Shamel , Connie Crosby , Gordon Vala-Webb , Deborah Keller , Karen Huffman , Constance Ard 
The View from Inside

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
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