

Gurteen Knowledge Seeds



Achievement; Personal Development

This little tool is designed to help you to become more focused or mindful of the things you might like to achieve during the day or little tips or ideas that you may like to take on board.

Click the button above or below and a small window will pop up. After a few seconds a 'seed' will be written to the window. This 'seed' may be a quotation from my site or it may be a 'tip' - a suggestion for action or an idea. Occasionally it will be a book.

If you then minimize the window to the bottom of your screen, one hour later, a short musical note will play (you will need to have your speakers switched on) and a new 'seed' will be written to the window pushing the old ones down. This process repeats itself throughout the day. You can scroll up and down in the frame to view them all at any time.

Importantly, you can adjust the update frequency by selecting a time period at the bottom of the window. Select the period you would like and click the Go button.

This feature is primarily designed for those of you who have a permanent Internet connection and who are working at your PC for a long period of time. It is not intended to greatly interrupt your day but to pull your feet back to the ground every so often and sow the occasional idea in your mind - so I suggest you set the refresh frequency to at least 1 hour.

Note: This feature was inspired by a similar tool on Peter Russells website and has also drawn on ideas and technology that I developed for my Learning-Stickers a few years ago.

If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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Tuesday 11 February 2025
09:29 AM GMT