
Past Event

16th European Conference on eGovernment – ECEG 2016

ECEG 2016


Event Type


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Academic Conferences 

Event Link

http://academic-conferences.org/eceg/eceg2016/eceg ... 


16 Jun - 17 Jul 2016


Faculty of Administration, University of Ljubljana


Ljubljana, Slovenia



On behalf of the organizers we are very pleased to invite you to participate at the European Conference on e-Government (ECEG) 2016 in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
This will be the second time that Ljubljana hosts researchers and practitioners in e-government from all over the world. Although E-government has passed its infant years there is still some "growing up to do". In the advancement of technology todays e-government has to deal with clouds, big data, open data, digital workspace, mobile environments, sustainability and more. E-government is an essential element of public administration that wants to perform its tasks efficiently, effectively, transparently focusing on public good and stakeholders' inclusion.
The ECEG 2016 hopes to bring together researchers and practitioners for stimulating discussion, networking and dissemination of current thinking in e-government activity.
Ljubljana, the winner of European Green Capital Award 2016, is the political and cultural heart of the Slovenian nation. It is an important European commercial, business, exhibition and congressional center as well as the transport, science and education center of Slovenia.
We look forward to welcoming you to Ljubljana in 2016.
As governments seek to remodel and restyle their services, e-Government continues to stir interest and attention. New dynamic issues such as e-democracy, e-citizenship, interoperability, e-identity and e-voting have become core elements in the development of public sector delivery. The multi-tier nature of e-Government, relevant at local, regional, and central government but also at the supranational level such as the European Union, makes it of importance to academics and practitioners alike. Vital questions are posed which link technological development and a streamlining of government services to more social based values of inclusion, accessibility and power relationship ratios.
e-Government encompasses more than just technology – it challenges the way in which public sector service providers and citizens interact. Democratic renewal, the transformation of service delivery, community leadership and citizenship integration are all key elements of this fascinating subject. e-Government is tightly related to legal, economical and organisational fields and as such holds a strong interdisciplinary status. You can see a full list of the conference and journal accreditations by clicking the star in the right hand side bar.

Video: BLU Lesson 1: How do you make people share by David Gurteen

One of six BLU lessons on 'how do you make people share' by David Gurteen.

In April 2005, BLU, the UK's Business Link University which no longer exists hired Fifty Lessons  to produce a series of video stories for them to which I (David Gurteen) was invited to contribute. This is one of those stories.

Media Information: Image

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If you are interested in Knowledge Management, the Knowledge Café or the role of conversation in organizational life then you my be interested in this online book I am writing on Conversational Leadership
David Gurteen

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